This course consists of seven levels. It covers the topics on Iman and Islam, such as:

  • Tawhid.
  • Purification.
  • Salah.
  • Zakat.
  • Fasting.
  • Hajj.
  • Marriage, Funeral and more.

 BOOK ONE: Introduction to the following:

  1. Fiqh.
  2. Tawhid.
  3. Islam.
  4. 5 Pillars of Islam (mention only).
  5. Importance of Purification.
  6. Istinjaa – Do’s and Don’ts.
  7. Wudu – Sunnah Method Nawaaqid.
  8. Importance / Benefits of Salaah.
  9. 5 Daily Salaah (Names).
  10. Importance of Ramadhan/ Fasting.



  1. Recap of topics from book one.
  2. Salah:
    1. Names and Times.
    2. Conditions for Salaah.
    3. Forbidden Times.
  3. Importance of Ramadan/ Fasting.
  4. Imaan-e-Mufassal : Introduction to the 7 Beliefs of Islam.



  1. Recap of topics from book one and two.
  2. Wudu – Faraa’id.
  3. 7 Beliefs of Islam-discuss briefly.
  4. Imaan & A`maal (linked together).
  5. Islamic Calendar.
  6. Respect for Holy Qur’an.



  1. Recap of topics from book 1-3.
  2. Wudu:Faraa’id, Sunan, Nawaaqid.
  3. Tayammum.
  4. Sunnah Method of Ghusl.
  5. Kinds of Religious Actions.
  6. Salaah:
    1. Benefits.
    2. Names.
    3. Times & Forbidden Times.
    4. Conditions.
    5. Azaan & Iqaamah with translation.



Advanced lessons on Topics from Book one to Book four.



  1. Recap of topics from book Five.
  2. Ghusl   –   Method and Faraa’id and Sunan explained.
  3. Salaah -Waajibaat, Sunan, Makroohaat, Mufsidaat,  Taraweeh,  Safr / Qasr Categories of Fasting.
  4. Sunan during Ramadaan.
  5. Makroohaat during Ramadaan.
  6. Sajdah Tilaawah.



  1. Recap of topics from book five and book six.
  2. Factors that make Ghusl compulsory.
  3. Qadaa Salaah.
  4. Salaatul Mareed.
  5. Masbooq Salaah.
  6. Qadaa – Kaffaarah and Fidyah.
  7. I`tikaaf and Laylatul Qadr.
  8. Sadaqatul Fitr.Zakaah – Importance and Laws.
  9. Hajj – Importance, Significance, Rules.
  10. Al ‘ Ud-hiyyah (Qurbaani).
  11. Aqeeqah.